
Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Praxis Joined the Coalition for Free Access to Information

Praxis became a member of the Coalition for Free Access to Information, which arose from the need to, through a joint action and support from the civil society and citizens as individual, put pressure on the authorities in Serbia – the Government and National Assembly, to adopt the Law on Free Access to Information as soon as possible. Members of the Coalition greatly contributed to bringing a law which would guarantee every citizen of Serbia freedom of access to information available to authorities. The Coalition continues its work which will be especially important in the process of implementation of the Law.

Free access to information of public importance is a condition for quality and efficient enjoyment of other rights and freedoms (freedom of thought, right to information, voter’s right, etc) and is an irreplaceable instrument for monitoring the work of the authorities. This right opens the way to citizens to take part in doing public duties and in the decision making process, truly and responsibly and without an intermediary, as well as to influence their content and efficient implementation.

You can read more about the Coalition here.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action