
Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Praxis Became the Member of the Network of CSOs for Children in Serbia

Non-governmental organization Praxis has signed the Agreement on Cooperation with Associations of Citizens within the Network of CSOs for Children in Serbia, becoming thus its member.

Network of CSOs for Children in Serbia is advocating for the full enjoyment of rights guaranteed by the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Serbia, and for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, and declaration “A World Fit for Children” and the National Action Plan for Children of the Republic of Serbia.

The mission of the Network of CSOs for Children in Serbia is the full enjoyment of rights, improvement of the position and quality of life of children in Serbia.

The goal of the Agreement on Cooperation with Associations of Citizens within the Network of CSOs for Children in Serbia is to:

• establish a representative network of civil society organizations;
• improve the cooperation of civil society organizations in the area of respect and exercise of children’s rights;
• contribute to strengthening of the capacity of civil society organizations aimed at improving the position of children.
The members of the Network of CSOs for Children believe that care about children is extremely significant for every society that thinks about its future and that investment in children is the safest investment in development.
More about the Network of CSOs for Children can be found here.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action