Praxis Watch

Monday, 27 January 2014

SWC Bujanovac Rejected Cash Social Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons

Internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in collective centres in Bujanovac do not receive cash social assistance because SWC was rejecting their requests with an explanation that they were provided accommodation and food in collective centres and did not have to pay electricity and utility bills. In decisions rejecting the requests, SWC referred to the act of the competent Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.

Considering the particularly vulnerable position of IDPs and poor living conditions in collective centres, Praxis addressed the Ministry with the request for delivery of an instruction which had been sent to SWCs. The Ministry informed Praxis that there was no act on the manner and terms of approval of cash social assistance to IDPs living in collective centres that had been sent to SWCs.

Therefore, Praxis informed the Director of SWC Bujanovac about the need to undertake the measures that would contribute to proper application of the Law on Social Protection and enable deciding on request of IDPs in accordance with the law and within legally grounded procedure, and timely appealing against the decisions rejecting the request of internally displaced persons.

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Praxis means action