Child rights

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Praxis at the Eurochild General Assembly

On 23-24 April 2015 in Brussels the General Assembly meeting of the European child rights network - Eurochild and the meeting of Policy Forum took place. The Network of Organisations for the Children of Serbia (MODS) was represented by Jasmina Miković from Praxis, member of the MODS Steering Committee.

At the General Assembly meeting, activity reports were presented including the Eurochild Annual Report 2014, after which financial operations were discussed, as well as Eurochild membership of individual organisations and networks (admission and exclusion).

The General Assembly meeting was followed by the meeting of Policy Forum, which provided an opportunity for the members to discuss and debate the achievement of the main goal of Eurochild, which is putting the child’s rights and welfare of children at the heart of policy-making. On that occasion, a number of organisations dealing with the child’s rights had the opportunity to discuss in which direction it was necessary to advocate jointly at the European level in order to improve the situation of children. One of the main topics of discussion was the need to develop a dynamic partnership with other organisations dealing with children’s rights, such as the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children and the Council of Europe.

At the same time, more than 130 organisations dealing with children’s rights expressed their concern about the lack of political will in Europe to place children at the centre of policy-making, especially taking into account the challenges that affect the lives of children across Europe, starting with the austerity measures in the fields of education, health and social protection, increasing discrimination and failure to protect children migrants and refugees.

One year after the elections to the European Parliament and six months after the establishment of the new European Commission, it is discouraging that the new European Commission lacks the will to invest in children, as evidenced by the absence of children on the list of 10 priorities of the European Commission. It is particularly alarming that there is a weak commitment to poverty reduction and social inclusion, as well as the lack of implementation of the Recommendation on investment in children from the European Commission, which is the best possible compilation of actions for EU Member States in the fight against poverty and exclusion of children and promotion of the welfare of children.

On the last day of the event, the Eurochild members announced a joint position, urging the European institutions and governments to make sustainable efforts in balancing the economic and social objectives. It was pointed out that the only way to develop an inclusive, secure and prosperous society was by giving priority to investment in children and families, taking into consideration all aspects of child development.

In the end, the Eurochild Secretariat presented its new visual identity, which captures a diversity of Eurochild members, and the goal to develop a society in which children grow up as healthy, happy, safe and respected individuals.

See the news on the MODS website.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action