On 8th April, on the occasion of International Romani Day, Ombudsperson presented the conclusions from the “Report on Implementation of the Strategy for Improvement of the Status of Roma with Recommendations” at a media conference.
Ombudsperson Sasa Jankovic said that education and health protection were the greatest problems that Roma population faced. As he stated, since the adoption of the Strategy in 2009, no by-laws had been adopted in relation to education apart from the positive enrolment in primary and secondary schools, which again led to abuses. In relation to health protection, he stated changes were visible but insufficient.
Goran Basic, Deputy Ombudsperson in the period from 2008 to 2013, stated that no one was in charge of managing the Strategy, that there were no precise data in the system about education, health care, housing needs, which had been stated as priorities in the document.
Ivana Stankovic, Praxis Programme Coordinator, pointed to the problems in the exercise of status and socio-economic rights by the Roma. She spoke about complicated procedures for the exercise of the right to cash social assistance, particularly emphasizing the obligation to file a lawsuit against relatives for support. She also added that the practice showed that the service providers were often not sensitized, that no one could guarantee that the Roma would not be discriminated against in school or that they would not be discriminated against every time they tried to find employment.
“If you go and visit an informal settlement and try to assess what has been done from the aspect of everyday life of people in the settlements, you will see that we all have to work harder,” she concluded.
See the news at the website of Media Center
See the news at the website of the Ombudsperson
Download: Report on Implementation of the Strategy for Improvement of the Status of Roma with Recommendations (Serbian only)
On the occasion of marking the International Roma Day, at the press conference in Media Centre the conclusions of the “Report on Implementation of the Strategy for Improvement of Position of Roma with Recommendations” prepared by the Ombudsperson were presented.
On that occasion, Ivana Stankovic, Praxis Programme Coordinator, talked about the problems related to exercise of status and socioeconomic rights of Roma population. She also talked about complicated procedures for exercise of the right to cash social assistance with special reference to the obligation to file a lawsuit against relatives who are obliged to provide financial support. Ivana also added that practice showed that officials are often unsensitized and that no one can guarantee that Roma will not be discriminated in schools or that they will not be discriminated each time they try to find a job.
In the end, Ivana added: “If you go and visit an informal Roma settlement and try to assess what has been done from the aspect of a daily life of an individual, you will see that we all still have to work together a lot”.
Read the whole news here.
Download: Report on Implementation of the Strategy for Improvement of Position of Roma with Recommendations
On the occasion of International Roma Day, we would like to send our best wishes to all fellow Roma citizens.
At the same time, we would like to draw public attention to the fact that Roma population is still one of the most vulnerable and most marginalized population groups in Serbia. By adopting laws or amending the existing ones, by developing the strategic framework and by undertaking various affirmative actions and activities, an important step has been taken towards improving the status of the Roma. Nevertheless, the adopted legal provisions are often not implemented or they are implemented in an uneven manner, while many of the measures can be described as short-term and ill-adapted to specific needs of vulnerable groups.
The level of poverty of Roma population, living conditions, recorded problems with access to rights, especially the rights to birth registration and citizenship, health care, social protection, work and employment, education and adequate housing, as well as widespread discrimination, prejudices and negative stereotypes about this population group clearly indicate that the measures taken are insufficient and that it is still necessary to invest additional efforts and to overcome numerous obstacles on the way towards meaningful inclusion of Roma into society.
Download the report: Preventing Childhood Statelessness in Europe - Issues Gaps and Good Practices
Praxis' legal mobile team visited the following:
The Ombudsman of the Republic of Serbia has published the regular annual report for 2013. The report can be downloaded here (Serbian only).
Download the report: Written Comments to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
On the occasion of 52nd session of the Committee for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at which the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Republic of Serbia will be considered, Praxis in cooperation with European Roma Right Centre and Standing Conference of Roma Associations – League of Roma, Roma Women Network, YUROM Centre, Roma Women’s Centre “BIBIJA”, Minority Rights Centre, Roma Association Kostolac, Humanitarian Roma Centre Obrenovac and Roma Education Centre Surdulica, submitted written comments containing the information about problems in practice related to exercising and respecting of the rights recognized by the Covenant.
The organizations which submitted written comments opted for human rights approach. In that sense, they state the basic problems in access to guaranteed rights, particularly the rights to work, social protection and insurance, protection of family, mothers and children, adequate housing, physical and mental health and education. Also, the written comments also contain the information about anti-discrimination framework, ethnically motivated violence, legally invisible persons and problems in ensuring equal rights of men and women in access to socioeconomic rights. Data presented in the comments are the result of many-year field work, cooperation with organizations at a local level, analysis of previous experience in the work on the subjects relevant for the comments and monitoring of the analysis of work of state institutions. According to the chosen approach, the report does not deal with positive aspects of the state policy in some areas but only with human rights violations which were not referred to in the Second Periodic Report of the Republic of Serbia.
Consideration of submitted reports on taken measures and achieved results in ensuring the respect for rights recognized in the Covenant has been scheduled for 15 May 2014.
Download: Written Comments to the Committee for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Praxis and Liceulice would like to raise awareness of the public about the high level of racism that is present in all spheres of our society. The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is marked in memory of 69 persons who were killed on 21 March 1960 for protesting against the racial apartheid policy in the South African city Sharpeville. In 1966, United Nations General Assembly decided that 21 March would be marked as the International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
Through numerous activities organized by Praxis and Liceulice in the period from 15 to 23 March 2014, within the European Week against Racism, the organizations would like to draw the attention of the authorities and wider public to the fact that members of the minority groups, primarily the Roma, are exposed to racial discrimination which inevitably leads to their social exclusion. Despite the national and international legislation on prohibition of discrimination, members of the Roma population are still facing serious problems in accessing socioeconomic rights. Roma families live on the edge of poverty, in informal settlements which are disappearing to make room for large infrastructural projects, and Roma become homeless, deprived of the access to the right to adequate housing. The members of the Roma population are often perceived as second-class citizens, exposed to prejudices, stereotypes and intolerance by the majority population, media and authorities.
Prraxis and Liceulice are organizing a campaign aimed at raising awareness of the necessity of eliminating racial discrimination. During the week, the organizations are posting antiracial messages in the social networks, and in the postcards they write messages depicting racism as seen through the eyes of students, Roma addressing Praxis for assistance, buyers of the magazine Liceulice and others. It has been planned to send the postcards to the responsible institutions and to distribute the collected messages via social networks. Together with IPAK.Centre, the graffiti night action of marking the safe place was organized.
Praxis and Liceulice continue their activities within the European Week against Racism.
In the period from 11 to 14 March 2014 the Network of Organisations for the Children of Serbia (MODS) was hosted by the Bulgarian National Network for Children (NMD), state institutions and organisations for children based in Sofia. In addition to the Open Club from Niš, the following MODS members joined the visit: Centre for Production of Knowledge and Skills from Novi Sad, Association for protection and improvement of situation of children and youth A Step Forward (Korak napred) from Kruševac, Užice Centre for Child’s Rights, NGO Atina, Creative Gathering Organisation OKO, Praxis and Association of citizens PARENT from Belgrade.
The purpose of the visit was to learn about the work of NMD in Bulgaria, its structure, activities and funding method. During the visit, the MODS members had meetings with the members of NMD in Sofia and had the opportunity to meet with organisations dealing with the provision of social services (Foundation for Health and Social Development, Foundation "For Our Children", Foundation "Teach for All" and Institute for Social Services and Practice) . In addition, the MODS members held a meeting with representatives of the State Agency for Child Protection Bulgaria and of the NMD Board of Directors.
The visit was organised as part of the project Future Fit for Children, implemented by the Association for Development of Children and Youth - Open Club Niš as part of the programme Civil Society for the Future of the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) with the support of USAID.
See the news on the website: Future Fit for Children