Evropska mreža za pitanja apatridije (ENS) objavila je ažuriran Indeks apatridije, koji sadrži nove informacije o situaciji u Srbiji. U Indeksu se ocenjuje da uprkos određenim naporima da se spreči i eliminiše pojava apatrdije, u zakonodavstvu i praksi u Srbiji i dalje postoje nedostaci.
Tako i dalje nije moguć upis u matičnu knjigu rođenih odmah nakon rođenja dece čiji roditelji ne poseduju dokumente, a odredbe zakona čija je svrha da spreče pojavu apatridije među decom rođenom u Srbiji ne primenjuju se na adekvatan način u praksi. Pored toga, u Srbiji i dalje ne postoji postupak za utvrđivanje statusa lica bez državljanstva, koji bi apatridima omogućio punu zaštitu koju im garantuje međunarodno pravo.
Ažurirani Indeks apatridije sadrži i dodatne informacije o lišavanju državljanstva u Srbiji, kao i nove statističke podatke.
Indeks apatridije je onlajn alatka koja procenjuje kako zemlje u Evropi štite lica bez državljanstva i šta rade na sprečavanju i smanjenju apatridije. Indeks je prva takva alatka koja pruža sveobuhvatnu komparativnu analizu i trenutno obuhvata 27 evropskih država, uključujući Srbiju. On omogućava korisnicima da lako uoče koje oblasti zakona, politika i prakse države mogu unaprediti.
Nacionalna koalicija za decentralizaciju (NKD), u saradnji sa ,,Ujedinjeni protiv kovida’’ organizuje onlajn Napokon Korisnu Debatu "Vakcinom za život" u sredu, 14. aprila od 19 sati putem Zoom aplikacije.
Svesni da je tema vakcinacije od neprikosnovene važnosti, kako u Srbiji, tako i na globalnom nivou, želimo da, kroz razgovor sa stručnjacima iz sveta medicine, razbijemo predrasude o imunizaciji, mitove o ,,čipovanju’’ kroz vakcinu, čujemo od stručnjaka zbog čega bez kolektivnog imuniteta nema povratka normalnom životu.
Ko sme, a ko ne sme da se vakciniše? Da li su vakcine (ne)dovoljno dugo ispitivane? Kada ćemo poljubiti roditelje, zagrliti bake, deke, unuke ili otići kod prijatelja na veselje? Ovo su neka od pitanja na koja će na onlajn tribini ,,Vakcinom za život’’ odgovarati:
Moderatorka Antonela Riha
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Danas obeležavamo Svetski dan Roma, drugi tokom trajanja pandemije usled koje i ovaj 8. april prolazi nedovoljno u proslavljanju romske kulture na način i u obimu koji ona to zaslužuje, već više u ukazivanju na probleme sa kojima se Romi i Romkinje suočavaju.
Brojne studije pokazuju da se položaj Roma i Romkinja, posebno onih najugroženijih među njima, dodatno pogoršao u poslednjih godinu dana. Romi se kao višestruko ugrožena grupa stanovništva i dalje nalaze u teškom materijalnom položaju, neadekvatnim uslovima stanovanja, a naročito su u teškom položaju žitelji neformalnih naselja.
Pripadnici romske populacije su višestruko diskriminisani na tržištu rada, a čak i kada su zaposleni, loše su plaćeni ili često rade poslove koji su opasni po njihov život i zdravlje. Usled mera tokom vanrednog stanja, kao i odgovarajućih mera za sprečavanje i suzbijanje zarazne bolesti nakon toga, Romi i Romkinje koji su se bavili, između ostalog, trgovinom, sakupljanjem sekundarnih sirovina, muzikom su ostajali bez prihoda ali i bez adekvatne i targetirane pomoći države koja bi donekle olakšala tešku situaciju u kojoj su se ove grupe stanovništva našle.
Jedan broj Roma i Romkinja i dalje se suočava sa problemom nedostatka ličnih dokumenata, koji im onemogućava pristup drugim osnovnim pravima. Iako najranjivija grupa u društvu kojoj je pomoć najviše potrebna, lica koja nisu upisana u matične knjige, nemaju državljanstvo, prijavljeno prebivalište ili ličnu kartu tokom vanrednog stanja nisu mogla da pristupe humanitarnoj pomoći jer se nisu nalazili na spiskovima centara za socijalni rad i lokalnih samouprava. Sto evra državne pomoći njima je ostalo nedostižno, iako im je više nego drugima bilo potrebno.
Nedovoljno je urađeno kako bi se promenila slika niskog obrazovnog nivoa romske populacije, naročito u doba onlajn nastave, i posebno u situacijama kada deca uče iz svojih domova u neformalnim naseljima bez struje ili kada nemaju pristup računarima.
Situacija je nepromenjena i na polju prevencije dečjih, ranih i prinudnih brakova. Institucije koje su nadležne da se ovom pojavom bave i dalje nastavljaju da na nju gledaju kao na deo romske tradicije, a ne kao na kršenje prava deteta, i ne rade dovoljno na njenoj prevenciji i eliminaciji.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su pripadnici romske nacionalne manjine izloženi diskriminaciji, vređanju, omalovažavanju i govoru mržnje u svakodnevnom životu, a usled straha od viktimizacije najčešće ne traže zaštitu od diskriminacije.
Iako su već prepoznati kao jedna od najugroženijih grupa po stepenu društvene isključenosti i stope siromaštva, pandemija izazvana virusom COVID-19 je sve ove probleme naglasila, a pobrojane situacije sa kojima se romska populacija u Srbiji susreće dodatno pogoršala.
Stoga je bitno da svi zajedno, od institucija, organizacija civilnog društva, medija, do celokupne javnosti posvetimo više pažnje smanjenju jaza između jedne od najbrojnijih nacionalnih manjina, Roma i opšte populacije kroz iskorenjivanje diskriminacije i predrasuda i kroz adekvatnije mere za smanjenje siromaštva zasnovane na relevantnim podacima.
Iako fokusirani na rad sa najugroženijima, koji usled dugogodišnje diskriminacije i marginalizacije nemaju poverenje da je bilo šta moguće promeniti, uočavamo neophodnost i potrebu promocije primera dobre prakse, priča o uspešnim Romima i Romkinjama, kako bi se pozitivno uticalo na ostale pripadnike zajednice da iskoriste mogućnosti i daju svoj pun doprinos u domenima društvenog, ekonomskog, političkog i kulturnog života, ali i kako bi se uticalo na promenu odnosa pripadnika većinske populacije prema romskoj zajednici. Neophodno je da zauzvrat država stvori ambijent u kome bi Romi i Romkinje zaista osetili dobrobiti takve socijalne uključenosti, kako bismo zaista imali društvo kome težimo, u kome je romska populacija nesporno prepoznata i poštovana kao sastavni deo njegove raznolikosti.
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The UN Human Rights Committee has assessed that Serbia did not respond adequately to the recommendations issued as part of its Concluding Observations on the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in Serbia, thus failing to comply with the Committee’s recommendations.
These are recommendations related to resolving issues that the Committee stressed as particularly important and that need to be solved urgently, including certain problems faced by the Roma population in Serbia. The Committee has recommended, among other things, that Serbia should facilitate and allow the registration of children whose parents do not have personal documents, as well as allow the internally displaced Roma living in informal settlements to register their permanent residence.
As Serbia has not complied with the recommendations, the Committee has decided to include these problems in the list of issues for the start of the next cycle of reporting on the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in Serbia.
Praxis had previously pointed out to the Committee the problems faced by members of the Roma population in registering in birth registry books, acquiring citizenship and registering permanent residence, as well as in accessing the rights to education, social protection, health care and public services.
On the occasion of the open call for physical violence by the Member of the National Assembly, Aleksandar Martinović, civil society organizations gathered in National Convention on the European Union working groups for Chapters 23 and 24 and cross-sectoral groups for political criteria and freedom of expression and the media demand a reaction from the President of the National Assembly from the position of Chairman of the Committee on Administrative, Budgetary, Mandate and Immunity Issues.
At a regular session, on March 11, 2021, Aleksandar Martinović threatened that anyone who criticized the government would be "beaten in the jack", thus openly calling for violence. We express our support and solidarity with CRTA and other organizations and individuals who have been accused by MP Martinović of participating in the "coup d'etat". We ask the members of the Committee for Administrative-Budgetary and Mandate-Immunity Issues to urgently remove the chairman of the Committee from this position; the President of the Assembly, Ivica Dacic, to sanction the drastic violation of the Code of Conduct, and the MP Martinovic to publicly apologize to CRTA.
The National Assembly forum must not be abused for the purpose of inappropriate reckoning with dissidents who are not in a position to answer to accusations. With the threats presented, MP Martinović once again showed that he is not worthy to perform the function of the Chairman of the Assembly Committee which should decide on cases of violation of the Code of Conduct for MPs. Martinovic, as well as his colleagues from the same parliamentary group, show how they have no intention to improve the work of the legislative body.
The criminalization of civil society, the media and political opponents has not stopped, despite the warnings from relevant domestic and international institutions and organizations. Verbal attacks by representatives of the executive and legislative branches of power mark the civil society organizations as "enemies of the state" and thereby question their professional integrity and reputation, and directly endanger activists and employees. This is repeated on a daily basis. Any indication of connection between the state and organized crime or a flagrant violation of the law provokes more and more brutal reactions of the holders of the highest state functions, instead of initiating positive changes and improving the environment in which we live. This kind of behavior distances Serbia and its citizens from meeting the basic criteria for EU membership, which remains declarative strategic goal of the Government.
Due to the aforementioned, the latest call for open violence against non-governmental organizations requires an urgent sanction and the removal of Aleksandar Martinović from the head of the parliamentary committee. Civil society organizations gathered in the working groups of the National Convention on the EU will continue to closely monitor the work of institutions and individuals and point out all illegalities and irregularities in their work. We are not giving up the fight for the rule of law in which freedom of expression is respected and all violence is sanctioned, even verbally, especially when it comes from the National Assembly, an institution that should reflect the sovereignty of the democratic will of the citizens of Serbia.
You can download Press Release HERE
Roma face discrimination in everyday life, in daily contacts with fellow citizens, in employment, social protection, health care and education. And yet, they rarely report discrimination, and that needs to be changed, say new reports published by Minority Rights Group Europe (MRGE).
All the three reports that MRGE is launching this week (“Roma in Hungary: The Challenges of Discrimination”, “Roma in Republic of Serbia: The Challenges of Discrimination” and “Roma in the Republic of Serbia and Hungary: The Challenges of Discrimination - A Comparative Report”) summarize and analyse the findings of two pieces of research which were conducted in the framework of the REILA project, coordinated by MRGE with the participation of two experienced partners: Praxis in Serbia and Idetartozunk (We Belong Here) in Hungary.
‘The research, that was carried out in Serbia and Hungary from October to December 2020 shows that in both countries, prejudice and negative stereotypes towards Roma are the main reasons for their discrimination.’ says Zsofia Farkas, MRG Europe’s Managing Director. ‘Roma face rejection and social exclusion from an early age, a situation that often continues throughout their lives.’
According to one study, in Serbia only around half of respondents reported that they would accept a Roma as their neighbour and only a fifth would be willing to marry a person of Roma origin. Similarly, in Hungary, according to a recent survey, 54 per cent of the respondents stated that they would not accept a Roma family member, 44 per cent that they would not want a Roma neighbour, and 27 per cent that they would not accept Roma as citizens of the country.
The report provides a thorough overview of the position of Roma in Serbia and Hungary, prejudices and forms of discrimination they face and obstacles in access to justice. As such, it also gives a comprehensive set of recommendations and calls on all relevant stakeholders, national and local decision-makers, EU decision-makers, Roma activists and Roma CSOs, legal practitioners and the media, to undertake measures within their powers to establish an efficient system of social inclusion and of institutional fight against discrimination.
‘Only a synergy of ideas, policies, measures and activities of all actors will contribute to improving the position of Roma, eliminating prejudices towards them and creating a more favourable environment and a more equal society for all,’ says Marijana Lukovic, Executive Director of Praxis.
Read the reports:
“Roma in Hungary: The Challenges of Discrimination” (in English and Hungarian)
“Roma in Republic of Serbia: The Challenges of Discrimination” (in English and Serbian)
“Roma in Republic of Serbia: The Challenges of Discrimination” (in English and Serbian)
“Roma in the Republic of Serbia and Hungary: The Challenges of Discrimination - A Comparative Report” (in English, Hungarian and Serbian)
1 March 2021
One of the conclusions of the research presented today in Kraljevo by the non-governmental organisation Praxis is that even when Roma have a job, they are poorly paid and often perform jobs that are dangerous to their lives and health.
“These are the least valued jobs in society, because due to the prejudices that society has towards Roma, they are usually given such kind of jobs”, said Marija Dražović, Praxis Policy and Research Coordinator.
She also pointed out that the Roma national minority considered that the measures implemented with the aim of employing Roma men and women were not adjusted to the real needs of potential beneficiaries and that they should be redefined.
The research findings also show that members of the Roma national minority are highly exposed to discrimination, insults, denigration and hate speech, as well as that they are not familiar with the mechanisms for the protection of the right to equality. The research has shown that the fear of victimisation is one of the important reasons why Roma do not seek protection from discrimination.
This publication is based on the research conducted by Praxis in the period June-August 2020 in order to provide insight into the key challenges encountered by the Roma national minority in the labour market in Kraljevo, the efficiency of active employment policy measures, and the occurrence and most common forms of discrimination against Roma men and women in the field of work and employment.
Praxis conducted this research on a sample of 100 Roma in Kraljevo, including 66 Roma who had never been formally employed. Nearly half of them have not finished even primary school, while 40% of them said they were not looking for a job at all.
Ms. Dražović said that this situation resulted from the fact that Roma men and women were a multiple vulnerable social group.
“There are 417 Roma registered with the National Employment Service, and 365 of them have completed primary school or several grades of primary school, while only one person has a university degree," said Srbislav Antonijević, Employment Counsellor at the National Employment Service, Kraljevo Branch.
Milun Jovanović, Assistant Mayor of the City of Kraljevo responsible for human rights issues, also spoke at the conference and said that the local authorities in Kraljevo planned to work on “functional adult education, housing and health care”. Jovanović also spoke about public works as one of the best opportunities for the City to help Roma. Another option was the assistance through the City's self-employment competitions, to which, unfortunately, a small number of Roma applied, usually due to a lack of confidence about their ability to do anything.
“We must all work together to make the community aware of the importance of being included in the measures offered to them. It seems to me that long-term discrimination and marginalisation, especially of the poorest Roma, is the cause of their distrust in the possibility of changing anything. All of us together - civil society, local self-government, the media and the public - have to analyse the current measures and design new ones,” said Marijana Luković, Praxis Executive Director.
The Praxis research showed that Roma were mostly satisfied with the way they had been treated and with their level of understanding the information received from the National Employment Service. Although they had confidence in the work of the NES and its staff, they did not believe that this service was able to find them a job, i.e. they did not see the effects of the measures.
The Praxis research also showed that the living conditions of Roma had further deteriorated during the pandemic.
It is disconcerting that a large number of them do not even know how to fill in an ordinary payment order - which is devastating for the whole society. Half of the Roma respondents said that they had a business idea, but also that they did not have any start-up capital, that they were afraid of not being able to survive in the market or maintain their business, which is why they did not dare to implement their business ideas.
“We need the promotion of good practice examples - we need the media to widely spread the news about successful Roma men and women who have started their own business, for example. This would have a positive impact on other members of the community, encouraging them to be more included in active employment policy programmes and use other available resources, and would change the awareness of the entire population about the Roma community”, said Ms. Dražović.
The publication was prepared as part of the project "Improving the Position of Roma Men and Women in the Labour Market in the City of Kraljevo”, implemented by the City of Kraljevo, in partnership with the non-governmental organisation Praxis. The project is implemented as part of a grant scheme under the programme "EU Support to Roma Inclusion - Empowering Local Communities for Roma Inclusion", funded by the European Union and implemented by the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities.
The publication is available HERE