

Praxis signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the private research Northeastern University from Boston with an aim to establish the cooperation within Praxis Internship Programme.  

The cooperation between Praxis and Northeastern University dates back to 24 July 2012, when the students visited Praxis within their study visit to Belgrade. On that occasion, Praxis lawyers acquainted the students with the main objectives and activities of the organization and the students were most attracted by forced evictions of informal settlements and position of legally invisible persons.

Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding will give students an opportunity to get acquainted with the work of a non-governmental organization in the area of protection and improvement of rights of minority and marginalized population groups in Serbia and also to learn about its management process, advocacy and functioning.

For more information about Praxis Internship Programme, see here.

Open Society Foundations has published the report named Roma Health Rights in Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia: A Baseline for Legal Advocacy, which analyzes the current state of legal advocacy for Roma health rights in Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia. It seeks to establish a point of reference, and to develop an evaluation framework for the Open Society Foundations’ support for legal empowerment, documentation and advocacy, media, and strategic litigation. The report referred to Praxis data for the purpose of the analysis of the situation in Serbia.

Download the report: Roma Health Rights in Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia: A Baseline for Legal Advocacy

Coalition against Discrimination would hereby like to invite you to attend the presentation of the annual Report on Discrimination in Serbia for 2012 and Awards for Fight Against Discrimination for 2012 on Friday, July 5 2013, at 12 a.m. at Media Center, Terazije 3/I.

Members of the Coalition Against Discrimination will on that occasion present the seventh regular annual Report on Discriminatory Practice in the country.

The report will be introduced by:
- PhD Saša Gajin – coordinator of the Coalition Against Discrimination, and
- Dragan Đorđević, CHRIS Network of Human Rights Committees, Serbia

On the same occasion, “Awards for Fight Against Discrimination” will be granted to those, whose contribution to fight against discrimination in Serbia the Coalition members believe was the greatest during 2012. The Awards Ceremony will be attended by the representatives of the Coalition Against Discrimination’s members, as well as the European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia Jelko Kacin who will hand over the awards.

 This year too, the award will be granted in five categories:
-    Public authority (institutions of public authority, MPs, officials)
-    Civil society organizations (NGOs, unions, professional associations)
-    Media (public media, journalists, professional associations)
-    Business sector (enterprises, business people)
-    Public figures (artists, sportspeople, actors/actresses, singers, politicians)

The Coalition Against Discrimination established the annual “Awards for Fight Against Discrimination” as a recognition to individuals, organizations, institutions, companies and media which throughout one year made the biggest effort to fight discrimination against minority and marginalized groups, or contributed to promotion of equality of all citizens in Serbia. The awards laureates are decided by the Coalition Against Discrimination, based on the proposals submitted by individuals and organizations by the end of 2012.

We would hereby also like to ask you to RSVP by e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

The Coalition Against Discrimination comprises: Centre for Advanced Legal Studies, Civil Rights Defenders, Labris – Organization for Lesbian Human Rights, CHRIS network, Association of Students with Disabilities, Gayten LGBT, PRAXIS and Regional Centre for Minorities.

Coordinator of the Coalition Against Discrimination
    PhD Saša Gajin

Praxis has published the report Testing the Implementation of the Ombudsperson’s Recommendations as a part of the project Judicial Reform and Government Accountability funded by USAID.

Within the aforementioned project, Praxis, in cooperation with the institution of the Ombudsperson, monitored whether and to what extent the Ombudsperson’s recommendations were implemented, and gave the overview of the main obstacles to their implementation.

The goal of the project was to contribute to the establishment of a sustainable mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the Ombudsperson’s recommendations through the participation of the civil sector in monitoring the implementation of the Ombudsperson’s recommendations, in order to improve the protection of citizens’ rights, and particularly of vulnerable groups living in poverty on the margins of society.

The report is a comparative analysis of the results of monitoring of the implementation of the Ombudsperson’s recommendations. It gives a brief summary of the Ombudsperson’s role, defines the methodology of the monitoring of recommendations and proposes a model of sustainable mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the Ombudsperson’s recommendations.

Download the report: Testing the Implementation of the Ombudsperson’s Recommendation
Related news published at the USAID website: Praxis finalizes their grant activities


Praxis published the report Analysis of the Main Problems and Obstacles in Access of Roma to the Rights to Work and Employment, prepared within the project “Contribution to Social Inclusion and Combat against Discrimination of Marginalized Population in Serbia”.

One of the biggest and most difficult problems that the Republic of Serbia should address is unemployment. The Roma population is among the most vulnerable groups in terms of employment opportunities. All available data show that the unemployment rate among Roma is much higher than in the general population, which inevitably results in widespread poverty of this population group. On the other hand, even if Roma manage to get employment, they often perform the lowest-paid jobs, in the most adverse conditions and exposed to health risks. The vast majority of Roma who have income are not employed, either under a fixed-term or permanent contract. They usually secure their livelihood by collecting recyclable waste materials. The situation of Roma in the labour market is only one of the indicators of their fundamental inequality in society and one of the many consequences of hindered access to basic human rights faced by this group of population. Some of the factors that hinder the Roma’s inclusion in the labour market are lack of education and lack of professional qualifications, ingrained prejudice against working habits of Roma and discrimination against Roma by potential employers, black-market employment above average, difficulties in obtaining required documents, and often also the lack of information about how to obtain a work booklet or to be registered with the NES.

The obstacles which hinder the exercise of the right to Roma are more thoroughly described in the report. Besides pointing at the basic problems in this area and at steps that should be taken in order to improve the position of the Roma in the labour market, the report also includes the results of the research conducted by Praxis on the period from February to August 2012with the aim to get a better insight in the position of Roma in the labour market, in particular the part of the Roma population that usually remains invisible to available statistics - the Roma living in informal settlements and the Roma who face difficulties in obtaining personal documents.

Download the report: Analysis of the Main Problems and Obstacles in Access of Roma to the Rights to Work and Employment

The attempts of S. S. and T. S, residents of the informal settlement, to register the permanent residence at the address of social welfare centre show that this legal possibility is still a dead letter.

The head of the Legal Service in the Social Welfare Centre Cukarica insisted that clients should first obtain the certificate of the Ministry of Interiors on the lack of registration of permanent residence in the territory of the Republic of Serbia (referring to the Instruction of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy) and only then should they address SWC with the request for registration of permanent residence at the address of SWC. However, Praxis lawyer referred to the legal obligation of this body to receive the request of the client, so the requests were submitted on that occasion with the note of the employee that they still did not have certain code for such cases.

In addition, S.S. and T.S.  addressed the Belgrade Police Department in Ljermontova Street with the request for issuance of the certificate on the lack of registration of permanent residence in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The employee and the head of the Police Administration were confused about such request and referred the clients to address them through the office for receiving requests, because they had not acted upon such request so far. On that occasion, Praxis lawyer drew up written requests for issuance of certificates for S.S. and T.S. and the outcome will be probably known after consulting the Ministry of Interior in relation to the manner of acting.

On 11 March 2013, the Constitutional Court reached the decision on rejecting the initiative for the initiation of procedure for assessment of constitutionality and legality of the provisions of Articles 6, 23, 25, 26, 45, 50, and 89 of the Law on Registry Books and incompliance with generally accepted rules of the international law and ratified international treaties.

Specifically, in July 2011, Centre for Advanced Legal Studies and Praxis submitted the initiative for the assessment of constitutionality of the Law on Registry Books – provisions referring to subsequent birth registration in birth registry books to the Constitutional Court of Serbia, as they considered that disputable provisions put legally invisible persons into unequal position and that conditions for subsequent registration of birth were such that many members of Roma population could not fulfill them. Therefore, it was pointed that provisions of the Law on Registry Books regulating the procedure of subsequent birth registration represented direct discrimination. In addition, it was required to determine that stated provisions were not in accordance with the Article 21 of the Constitution which prohibits any discrimination and guarantees the same legal protection to all.

The Constitutional Court has assessed that there was no grounds for the initiation of the procedure and it rejected the initiative as unacceptable. The explanation of the decision of the Constitutional Court is based on the view that the impossibility of factual application of lawfully prescribed rules to certain categories of persons who, due to the existing living circumstances are not able to provide data necessary for birth registration, could not be eliminated by the end of the validity of disputed provisions of the Law on Registry Books based on the decision of the Constitutional Court, because the adoption of such decision would create legal vacuum. Instead, the Court said that “(elimination (…) of the problem of so-called “legally invisible persons” is, according to the court, legally (…) possible only by prescribing special legal rules for these categories of persons and thus eliminate every legal and lawful possibility of their indirect discrimination in the legal system of the Republic of Serbia”. The explanation of the decision further states that after considering the problems of legally invisible persons the legislator has acted in that way in the meantime and adopted the Law on the Amendments to the Law on Non-Contentious Procedure (as of 31 August 2012), and prescribed special rules for determination of time and place of the birth of persons who cannot register in birth registry books on the basis of the law regulating the administering of registry books. As the mentioned regulation was already adopted at the time of adoption of decision of the Constitutional Court on the occasion of the initiative, the Court did not further consider the assessment of regime of subsequent registration in birth registry books that was in force before the adoption of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Non-Contentious Procedure or the assessment of compliance of that regime with the Article 21 of the Constitution.

However, unlike the bodies which the submitters of the initiative addressed prior to the initiation of the procedure before the Constitutional Court, the Constitutional Court paid special special attention to factual inequality, that is the impossibility to factually apply the laws that are the same for all to certain categories of persons. Even though it determined that solution of the problem of legally invisible persons exceeds the limits of its jurisdiction, the Court has recognized their problems and the need to prescribe special rules in order to solve those problems. Finally, by explaining the “justifiability of the need to introduce a special a manner of exercise of primarily status rights of so-called “legally invisible persons”, the Court pointed at the case of “the deleted” and the judgment of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in the case Kuric against Slovenia which determined the violation of Article 8, Article 13 and Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights for difficulties which these persons suffered due to impossibility to regulate status issues after being deleted from the Registry of permanent residence holders of the Republic of Slovenia.

Download: Initiative for the initiation of procedure for assessment of constitutionality and Decision of the Constitutional Court

According to Amnesty International annual human rights report, discrimination, hate crimes and nationalistic rhetoric are still prevalent.

According to Danilo Curcic, a legal analyst at Praxis, an NGO in Belgrade that aims to promote, protect and improve human rights, the poor economic situation in Serbia was the main reason such a large number of Roma claimed asylum in the EU.

"But broadcasting the news that the biggest number of Serbian citizens who are asking for asylum are Roma, and putting them into separate group … could be really dangerous and cause negative connotation, discrimination or even some violence," Curcic told SETimes.

The most violated Roma rights in Serbia are basic economic and social rights, especially the right to adequate housing and to personal documents, Curcic said.

A better approach by social institutions, especially with those who have been rejected when they asked for asylum, would help solve the problem, he added.

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