


Wednesday, 08 November 2017 10:38

Praxis at the Annual Assembly Meeting of MODS

Statement of MODS

The Annual Assembly Meeting of the Network of Organisations for Children of Serbia (MODS) was held in Kragujevac from 3 to 5 November 2017. The meeting was chaired by Radomir Jevtić, President of NGO Korak napred (A Step Forward) from Kruševac.

In the working session, the participants discussed the 2016 Network Activity Report, presented by Director Saša Stefanović, Steering Committee Report, presented by President of Steering Committee Jasmina Miković and Supervisory Board Report, presented by President of Supervisory Board Olgica Beba Bajić. After a brief discussion, the participants adopted unanimously all the presented reports.

It was followed by the election of new members of the Steering Committee and decision-making regarding the admission of new members to the Network. The elected members of the Steering Committee are former President Jasmina Miković (Praxis), Iva Eraković (Children’s Friends of Serbia), Kenan Rašitović (Youth Forum for Roma Education), Tatjana Lazor-Obradović (Know How Center), Dragana Soćanin (AgroInvest Foundation Serbia), Marija Petrović (Child Rights Centre), Gordana Plemić (Parent), Vesna Mraković-Jokanović (SOS Children’s Village Serbia) and Mladen Milutinović (Open Club).

The new members of the Supervisory Board are Radomir Jevtić (A Step Forward), Ana Jovanović (Center for Creative Development Knjaževac) and Aleksandra Jović (UNICEF).

MODS received a record number of membership applications - 17. The applying organisations had the opportunity to present themselves briefly to the Assembly, after which they became new members of MODS by the decision of the Assembly.

•  Center for Education of Roma and Ethnic Communities (Belgrade)

  • Edulink (Aranđelovac)
  • City Association for Helping People with Autism (Subotica)
  • Koba Yagi (Belgrade)
  • Equestrian Club Aranđelovac
  • Mindful Center (Novi Sad)
  • MisturaFINA (Belgrade)
  • Okular (Ćićevac)
  • Family Assistance (Belgrade)
  • Family Philharmonic Orchestra (Niš) 
  • Friends of Belgrade Children
  • Roma Center for Child Rights (Belgrade)
  • Roma Heart (Belgrade)
  • Youth Style (Ruma)
  • Youth Association Ćuprija
  • Association of Women with Disabilities “Victoria” (Majdanpek)

In the continuation of Assembly Meeting, Network Director Saša Stefanović presented to the attending members an overview of the implemented activities and achieved results in 2017. Some of the noteworthy results achieved by MODS in 2017 were its identification as an important actor at the national level, MODS representative in the Children’s Rights Council, and active participation in public discussions on educational laws.

MODS also worked, in cooperation with SCTM, on improving the work of Inter-sectoral Commissions, while for the second year in a row, at the proposal of the Network, the rights of the child were included in the expose of the Prime Minister of Serbia.

The Assembly Meeting was also recognised as an opportunity to open a discussion on the possibilities for further improvement of the Network’s work. A special part of the meeting was dedicated to presenting the activities aimed at raising the capacities of MODS members in accordance with the assessed support needs of member organisations. The attendees had an opportunity to give their comments and suggestions within the working groups that discussed the role of MODS in advocacy activities at the local and national level and support to members, the inclusion of children and the creation of a sustainable mechanism for their participation.

MODS' announcement

The Network of Organisations for the Children of Serbia - МОDS welcomes the beginning of work and the constitutive meeting of the Children's Rights Council held by the new Government. The new president of the Children's Rights Council is Slavica Đukic Dejanović, minister without portfolio responsible for demography and population policy.

One of the new members of the Children's Rights Council of the Government of the Republic of Serbia is Jasmina Miković, Praxis' Deputy Executive Director and President of MODS Steering Committee.  

Since we currently lack the basic strategic documents in the field of children’s rights, and coordination of activities and measures in the field of protection and realisation of the rights of the child, MODS expects the Children's Rights Council to be fully committed and work actively on the attainment of these goals in the future.

We remind that under the Action Plan for Chapter 23, the Government accepted an obligation to strengthen its role in the formulation and monitoring of children’s rights policies. Accordingly, MODS expresses its hope that the new Government will work on strengthening the capacities of the Children's Rights Council so that it grows into a leading inter-sector coordination mechanism with the core competencies in the child protection sector.

The MODS members expect that the Children's Rights Council will prioritise the following topics and legislative initiatives in order to improve the quality of children’s life:

- Launching an initiative for drafting the National Action Plan for Children and the Law on the Rights of the Child, which will be a framework for the general state policy towards children, so that the child protection system has a clear focus and goals;

- Adoption of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Protection of Children against Violence and Monitoring the Effects of the Implementation of this Strategy, as well as launching an initiative for the updating of the General and Special Sectoral Protocols for the Protection of Children from Neglect, Abuse and Violence;

- Initiating the process of drafting and passing the Law on Ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child concerning the procedure of lodging a complaint with the Committee on the Rights of the Child;

- Activities in the area of the prevention of institutionalisation of children, as defined by the Action Plan for Chapter 23. In this context, it is necessary to monitor the achievement of goals and activities related to the transformation of residential institutions for children and the development of services for children and families in the community. The priority should be the adoption of the Rulebook on Intensive Family Support Services, the provision of which is aimed at preventing the separation of children from their families and strengthening the capacity of families to take care of their children;

- Establishing a system for recording and tracking of all cases involving child, early and forced marriages, and in particular among Roma girls, and providing shelter for children and appropriate rehabilitation and counselling services as well as conducting awareness campaigns on the harmful effects of children, early and forced marriages;

- Activities in the field of child poverty reduction - adopting amendments to the Law on Financial Support for Families with Children and the Law on Social Protection, in order to increase the coverage, adequacy and targeting of financial social benefits.

All these processes should be guided by the principle of child participation, which involves allowing a child able to form his or her free opinion the right to freely express that opinion on all matters concerning the child, while paying due attention to the child's opinion in accordance with his or her age and maturity. 

On the occasion of the 94th session of the  Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Praxis, in cooperation with the organisations SKRUGInstitute on Statelessness and InclusionEuropean Network on Statelessness and European Roma Rights , submitted a written contribution including the information on the outstanding problems concerning the prevention of racial discrimination in Serbia, with a focus on hate crimes and discrimination against members of the Roma national minority and stateless persons as a particularly vulnerable group of foreigners.

The written contribution first pointed to the fact that Article 54a of the Criminal Code, which had introduced hate crime in the national legislation nearly five years before, was still not implemented in practice. It also stressed the problem of segregation and difficulties faced by Roma children in education, their over-representation in the fostering system and the absence of adequate response to the problem of early, child and forced marriages, which affected particularly Roma girls.

Commenting on the legislation and practices that affected particularly the Roma minority, the submitters of the written contribution warned of various obstacles that prevented timely birth registration for Roma children and of the remaining shortcomings in the procedures of permanent residence registration, which particularly affected Roma without the legal basis of housing.

Since Serbia could soon get a new Law on Foreigners, the contribution also pointed to the current version of the Draft Law on Foreigners whose provisions on the determination and prolongation of immigration detention discriminated against stateless persons, as a particularly vulnerable group of foreigners, and made them subject to arbitrary detention. The written contribution also mentioned the difficulties that may arise because of the lack of procedures for determining the status of a stateless person.

Finally, the contribution included some clear recommendations for allowing Roma and persons at risk of stateless to access their rights and for contributing to more consistent compliance with the obligations undertaken by Serbia under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.   

Download the written contribution here.

The report of the organisations European Roma Rights Center (ERRC), Institute for Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI) and the European Network on Statelessness (ENS) warns that the lack of documents has extremely negative consequences for the lives of thousands of Roma living in the Western Balkans and Ukraine.

These organisations urge the countries in the region to focus on stateless Roma and to facilitate the birth registration procedure, which poses obstacles to Roma in accessing documents without which they cannot prove their identity and citizenship. It is emphasized that leaving Roma children without birth certificates leads to their growing up and living as stateless persons. As a result, thousands of Roma face difficulties in accessing core services and rights, such as the right to education, health care and housing.

One of the interviewed Roma women from Serbia says: "I did not give up, but I do not see that something will happen and change my situation for the better. I'm sorry because I know that many things would be better if I only had citizenship and documents.”

The report reveals the serious consequences that Roma suffer as a result of wars and dissolution of the former SFRY, along with systemic discrimination and social exclusion. It is particularly difficult for those who could not prove citizenship. The Roma who were forced to leave their homes during the war, often without any documents, upon return faced with complicated procedures and numerous difficulties in attempting to obtain documents. In addition, institutional discrimination and racism, recorded in some of the countries covered by the research, have created obstacles that prevent Roma from accessing the basic rights that other citizens enjoy.

The research also shows some positive and successful examples of civil society cooperation with the state aimed at facilitating the procedures for registering into birth registry books, eliminating legislative shortcomings and raising awareness about the importance of solving this problem. These efforts show that the problem of statelessness can be solved with a proactive approach and in line with the recommendations given in this report, which can serve as an example of good practice for other countries in the region.

At the same time, the report calls on the European Commission to recognise the problem of statelessness and discrimination against Roma as a matter of priority in the process of negotiations for EU membership. 

Download the report on this link.

In September 2017, the number of newly arrived refugees/migrants almost doubled compared to the previous month and Praxis’ mobile teams met and interviewed up to 200 refugees/migrants on a daily basis. This number includes the new arrivals, the refugees/migrants accommodated in the Asylum Centre Krnjača and the Reception Centre Obrenovac and those who returned to Belgrade after unsuccessful attempts to cross the Croatian, Hungarian or Romanian borders. In this reporting period, Praxis assisted a total of 1,407 persons.

Praxis continued its field work and provided a total of 956 newly arrived refugees and migrants (633 adults and 323 children, including 96 unaccompanied and separated children - UASC) in Belgrade with relevant information, which is significantly more than in the previous month when we informed 500 newly arrived refugees/migrants. During this month, Praxis has visited Obrenovac several times thus expanding its activities, in order to provide as many refugees/migrants as possible with relevant and timely information. Out of the total of 956 newly arrived refugees/ migrants, 59 persons or 6.2% of them were from Afghanistan.  A hundred and one (101) newly arrived refugees/migrants were from Syria, which accounts for 10.6% of the total number. Five hundred and ninety-one (595) refugees/migrants came from Iraq (62.2%), which is a significantly higher percentage than in the previous period. One hundred and thirteen (113) refugees/migrants (11.8%) came from Pakistan. Twenty-six (26) refugees/migrants (4.9% of the total number) came from Iran. One (1) newly arrived refugee/migrant came from Morocco (0.1%), 14 refugees/migrants (1.5%) came from Algeria, while a total of 47 (4.9%)  refugees/migrants came from other countries: Bangladesh, India, Palestine, Libya, Somalia, Guinea, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, Congo, Nigeria, Cameroon and Armenia. 

The families waiting for registration or transport to one of the asylum or reception centres they had been referred to still had the option of spending the night in Miksalište. Although the procedures for expressing the intention to seek asylum were conducted regularly in the Police Station in Savska Street, the number of persons using this option increased due to a growing number of newly arrived refugees/migrants. The adult men stayed outdoors overnight, in the parks, at the railway station or in front of Miksalište if their families were spending the night in there. There was still no organised transport to the reception and asylum centres, like in the previous reporting period. However, in this reporting period, UNHCR and the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration organised the transport to the Asylum Centre Bogovađa and the Reception Centre Pirot on several occasions, thus helping several dozens of refugees/migrants to reach the place of accommodation. As regards food, clothing and medical assistance, the situation in the field has improved: Info Park provided one meal for newly arrived refugees/migrants; the MSF clinic worked; there was still no organised distribution of clothing outside of the Asylum Centre Krnjača and the Reception Centre Obrenovac.  

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report here.

Within the project funded by Save the Children aimed at providing protection monitoring and assistance to refugees and migrants in Belgrade, Praxis has released a new publication - Practical Protection Monitoring Guide

This document is a guide to how we set up and developed our protection monitoring activities, established our system of collecting, verifying and analysing information in order to identify human rights violations and protection risks encountered by refugees/migrants, and how we combined these activities with complementary activities such as - provision of information, referrals, protection by presence and advocacy activities. 

Download the Practical Protection Monitoring Guide here.

U prigradskom naselju Beranovac kod Kraljeva, počelo je sprovođenje iseljenja porodica iz socijalnih stanova, koji su izgrađeni u cilju pronalaženja trajnog i održivog rešavanja stambenog pitanja interno raseljenih lica sa Kosova.

Marija Dražović, pravna savetnica Praxisa, govorila je o teškoćama sa kojima se suočavaju trideset tri raseljene porodice kojima je naloženo iseljenje, bez obezbeđivanja alternativnog smeštaja.

Pogledajte prilog ovde.

In the suburban settlement “Beranovac” near Kraljevo, the families are being evicted from the social housing apartments, which were built in order to find a durable and sustainable housing solution for the internally displaced persons from Kosovo.

It should be noted that after the expiry of the three-year period during which the internally displaced persons, former residents of collective centres, had lived in the social housing apartments in Kraljevo for free, paying only the costs of electricity and utility services, the Municipal Housing Agency in Kraljevo prescribed new conditions, unacceptable for the majority of the families. One of the requirements for concluding a new contract on apartment use was that the tenants of these apartments had to provide a minimum of 75 euros (in RSD equivalent) per household member. The offered contracts envisaged a monthly rental in the amount of 1.20 euros per square metre, which was unattainable for retired persons, beneficiaries of social allowance or temporary allowance for unemployed persons from Kosovo, and for the tenants without any income. For refusing to accept the unfavourable contractual conditions, in 2013 the Municipal Housing Agency sued 33 families requesting their eviction. The recent court decision was unfavourable for these families and their eviction from the social housing apartments is ongoing. The tenants, including children, the elderly and sick, have not been provided with alternative solution and are at risk of becoming homeless. 

Determination of new, unfavourable conditions for the use of social housing apartments was not done with prior consultations with tenants in order to find a solution that would respect their needs and prevent the conduct of lengthy court proceedings.

Finally, we draw attention to the fact that consultations with citizens is a requirement in the process of public administration reform and a key element of good governance, and good governance is a prerequisite for respecting human rights.

See the footages:

RTV KV – Thirty three internally displaced persons remain without a roof over their heads.

Roma World – Thirty three internally displaced persons remain without a roof over their heads.

Večernje novosti online - Thirty three families in the street - the displaced are homeless again?

Info KV Press - Without a rent - eviction 

Radio Slobodna Evropa - In the street because of the unpaid rent 

See the previous announcements:

Without a solution for internally displaced persons in social housing apartments in Kraljevo

Municipal Housing Agency in Kraljevo sued internally displaced persons for eviction

Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action