Praxis Watch

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Praxis Announcement on the Occasion of International Roma Day

On the occasion of the International Roma Day, we would like to send our best wishes to our fellow Roma citizens.

We would also like to remind the public that many Roma in Serbia still live in deep poverty, they are facing human rights violations, discrimination, anti-Roma rhetoric and violence that threatens their life and hurts their dignity.

Serbia cannot make progress if a part of its population remains at the margins of society. New Strategy for the Improvement of the Position of Roma, which is being drafted, must contain solutions for the gaps and inadequate measures identified in the implementation of the previous Strategy. This primarily refers to establishment of a body that will be responsible for monitoring the fulfilment of the goals of the Strategy and related Action Plan, promotion of measures for employment and economic strengthening of the Roma, improvement of living conditions in Roma settlements with regard to infrastructure and the status of settlements, promotion of the social housing system, ensuring continuity in education, especially of Roma girls, resolution of the problem of segregation of Roma children in schools and prevention of and combatting discrimination against Roma population in general. Serbia should pay special attention to strengthening capacities of the public authorities for planning and implementation of the envisaged measures and to securing funds in the budget for implementation of the goals planned in the Strategy.  

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