Praxis Watch

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Personal Status Regulated After More Than Nine Years

Procedure for adoption of the minor B. B. born in 2001 in Pristina and registered in the UNMIK registries was carried out by Social Welfare Centre in Subotica in December 2004. As the fact of her birth was not registered in birth registries for Pristina administered by the registry office in Nis, it was necessary to carry out the procedure for subsequent birth registration.  The 
subsequent birth registration was carried out only in 2008, almost four years after the adoption. However, the fact of adoption was not registered on that occasion.

Soon after the adopter of the minor girl addressed Praxis for assistance in 2013, Praxis sent the request for registration of the fact of adoption and the request for new registration in birth registries to the Directorate for Civil Status and General Affairs of the City of Nis (hereinafter: Directorate). Praxis received the answer that new registration could not be carried out unless correction were made in the decision on adoption, in accordance with the Law on Registry Books which came into force in 2009, which envisages that new registration after the adoption is carried out on the basis of the place of birth.

In September 2014, after a series of unsuccessful addressing, Praxis filed a complaint against the work of the Directorate to the Administrative Inspectorate of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government and Department for Inspection, Department for Family Care and Social Protection of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs. After almost a month, a decision was reached approving the new registration of B. B. in birth registries.

Praxis notes that B. B. is a girl of Roma ethnicity with disabilities and illegal delay of the procedure additionally threatened her already difficult position. 

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