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Friday, 21 September 2018

Praxis Published Protection Monitoring Report on Migration for August 2018

In August, the number of refugees/migrants met and interviewed by Praxis’ mobile team did not exceed 300 on a daily basis, including the newly arrived ones, the refugees/migrants accommodated in the Asylum Centre Krnjača and the Reception Centre Obrenovac and those who returned to Belgrade after unsuccessful attempts to cross the Croatian, Hungarian, Bosnian or Romanian border. During this period, Praxis provided assistance to a total of 2073 refugees/migrants, through information, psychosocial support, referrals to the targeted assistance provided by various organisations/institutions or covering the costs of transport to the asylum and reception centres. During this reporting period, up to 74 refugees/migrants were seen sleeping rough in the parks near the Belgrade Bus Station every morning.

Praxis continued its field work and provided a total of 1794 newly arrived refugees and migrants (1296 adults - 1153 men and 143 women and 498 children - 446 boys and 52 girls, including 390 potential UAMs - 386 boys and 4 girls) with information and/or referred them to other organisations/institutions.

The refugees/migrants of other nationalities were from India (18), China (1), Bangladesh (74), Eritrea (5), Yemen (2), Libya (12) Myanmar (1), Nepal (4), Palestine (7), Somalia (14, Sri Lanka (1) and Turkey (1). Refugees/migrants arrived to Serbia via Macedonia (801 or 44.6%), Bulgaria (466 or 26.0%), Albania (65 or 3.6%), Montenegro (8 or 0.4%), Hungary (5 or 0.3%), BiH (8 or 0.4%) while 38 of them did not specify where they had entered Serbia and 403 refugees/migrants, mostly from Iran, arrived by plane.

The families and UASC waiting for registration or transport to one of the asylum or reception centres they had been referred to still had the option of spending the night in the aid hub Refugee Aid Miksalište, in the proximity of Belgrade Bus and Train Station. Info Park continued to provide one meal a day for newly arrived refugees/migrants, and occasionally covered the costs of transport to the reception and asylum centres. Beside Praxis and Info Park, SCRM organised transportation to asylum and reception centres several times during this reporting period. The MSF clinic continued to provide medical support. In this reporting period, there was no organised distribution of clothing and footwear in the field in Belgrade.

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report here.

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