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Monday, 13 November 2017

Praxis Submitted a Written Contribution to the European Commission's Progress Report on Serbia

On the occasion of the upcoming European Commission’s Progress Report on Serbia, Praxis participated in the consultation meeting with the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia, and also submitted a written contribution on the progress achieved and the obstacles observed after the last, 2016 Commission’s report. The written contribution submitted by Praxis focused on the field of public administration reform and access to basic rights, while special attention was paid to the situation of Roma children. Praxis presented the observed shortcomings regarding the implementation of the new Law on General Administrative Procedure and pointed out that Serbia did not have yet the Law on Free Legal Aid, despite the ten-year debate on its adoption. The written contribution also mentioned the remaining obstacles to the prevention of statelessness and recalled that there was still no legal framework that would ensure that every child was registered immediately after birth. Praxis also warned about the over-representation of Roma children in the fostering system, and stressed the need for taking additional measures to prevent segregation in education and to ensure access to quality education for every child. Finally, the written contribution warned about the problem of child, early and forced marriages, especially affecting Roma girls who, due to the lack of adequate response to this practice, were denied access to a series of basic human rights.

Download the written contribution here.

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