Praxis Watch

Thursday, 6 October 2016

There are still no signs of solution for residents of Čukarička šuma


Since September the citizens of the Municipality of Čukarica have been protesting again. Media has reported about it under the headlines Čukarička padina in the smoke of burned tires and PEOPLE, THEY ARE GOING TO POISON US! Residents of Čukarička padina concerned about everyday burning of tires and cables. The city authorities have thought of a way to solve the problem of burning secondary raw materials – by introducing a full-day duty in this part of Čukarička padina, in order to respond quickly to citizen complaints, in cooperation with the Communal Police, if secondary raw materials are burned again.

Despite the Praxis’ initiative, request and pointing to the necessity of providing urgent assistance to the residents of this settlement, the situation has not changed significantly. With the winter approaching, we do not see an adequate response of the authorities to the problems encountered by the residents of the informal settlement "Čukarička šuma", and therefore we once again call for taking measures aimed at improving the living conditions in this settlement.

For more information, see the related announcement here.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action