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Thursday, 11 April 2013

City of Belgrade Abandoned the Idea to Evict the Veselji Family upon Praxis Addressing the European Court of Human Rights

Belgrade City Administration abandoned the idea to perform the eviction of the Veselji family from container settlement Makis 2, following initiation of the procedure for indicating interim measures before the European Court of Human Rights.

On 22 March 2013, Praxis submitted a request to the European Court of Human Rights for indicating interim measures in accordance with the Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, for threat of looming violation of articles 3 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (prohibition of torture, right to respect for personal and family life). The Court was requested to prohibit the eviction and separation of the family. Within the deadline given to the State to present its arguments, on 1 April 2013, the Secretariat for Social Welfare of the City of Belgrade brought a Decision annulling the previous decision on unilateral cancellation of contract on use of mobile housing unit. This has removed the threat of irreparable damage which was the basis for initiating and later imposing interim measure.

To remind, on 11 March 2013, the Belgrade City Administration brought a decision on cancelling the contract on use of mobile housing unit for alleged “disturbing the peace and order in the settlement, provoking fights in the settlement, violent behaviour towards other residents and poor hygiene” by Djemilje Veselji. By the same decision, the family were given 10-day deadline before the eviction, were not offered alternative accommodation and did not have available legal remedy. Besides, representatives of social services informed the family Veselji that their two-year old child would be placed in a social care institution after the eviction.

Non-governmental organization Praxis expects that the case of eviction of the Veselji family will serve as a warning to the Belgrade City Administration to change its acting towards the Roma in container settlements and abolish discriminatory provision of the contracts on use of mobile housing units. Same as before, Praxis is willing to assist competent republic and city bodies in finding a systemic solution for the exercise of right to adequate housing by the Roma.

For more information see: Eviction of the Veselji Family from the Container Settlement Makis 2 - details of the case

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