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Tuesday, 15 November 2011

The Report "Analysis of the Main Problems and Obstacles in Access of Roma in Serbia to the Right to Education" Published




Within the Project “Contribution to Social Inclusion and Combat against Discrimination of Marginalized Population in Serbia", funded by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Praxis issued a report Analysis of the Main Problems and Obstacles in Access of Roma in Serbia to the Right to Education.

Universal accessibility of the right to education, as one of the fundamental human rights essential or exercise of other human rights, is one of the major challenges of modern mankind. The significance of this challenge is supported by the fact that universal education has been listed as one of the Millennium Development Goals1 the achievement of which should contribute to eradication of poverty.

Although the problem of the lack of education in Serbia may be observed among the members of different economically and socially marginalised groups, the scale of this problem is the most pronounced among the Roma national minority. Since the achievement of universal education in Serbia is impossible to conceive without paying special attention to this group, this analysis is primarily dedicated to the obstacles which the Roma population faces in access to the right
to education. It is only by including this group into the education system, that achievement of the universal primary education-related Millennium Development Goals is possible.


Download: Analysis of the Main Problems and Obstacles in Access of Roma in Serbia to the Right to Education




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