
Monday, 1 October 2007

Gajic Case – A Complaint Lodged before the Administrative Court in Cologne against Germany




In August 2007, in a decision upon a filed objection, German Federal Ministry of Defence finally rejected Gajic’s request for rental compensation. Mr Gajic was instructed to appeal before the Administrative Court in Cologne. Therefore, in September 2007, a complaint against the Federal Republic of Germany was lodged before the Administrative Court in Cologne.

A request for granting legal assistance, i.e. assigning a German lawyer who would conduct the case on the grounds of the existing German regulations in this matter, was also submitted. Even though the European Court of Human Rights also declared inadmissible the application in the Gajic case in August 2007, it is important to exhaust all domestic legal remedies before the competent bodies in Germany, which would, in the future, allow the initiating of the procedure before other relevant international bodies.




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