
Friday, 28 June 2024

Project “And Where is the Youth?” Begins

In May 2024, Praxis began implementation of the project “And Where is the Youth?”, as part of the Small Grants Progamme of the Project “Western Balkans Enablers for Reforming Public Administrations – WeBER 3.”, financed by the European Union and co-financed by the Austrian Development Agency, implemented by the European Policy Centre with partner organizations.

The project “And Where is the Youth?” will be implemented from 1 May 2024 to 31 July 2025, and aims to develop and offer a transparent consultations mechanism between Local Self-Government (LSG) and the youth in the City of Kraljevo with the aim of developing and implementing local youth policies that express needs and aspirations of the youth.

Within the project, research will be conducted on policies and measures relating to the youth in Kraljevo, in order to obtain information on reasons for lack of local youth policies and measures. In addition, through consultations with the community, i.e. meetings, focus groups, workshops, information will be obtained on the needs, desires and aspirations of the youth in Kraljevo, information on challenges faced by LSG in creating measures for youth, and further work done on development of consultation mechanisms between the youth and LSG.

On the basis of these activities, and with active participation of the youth, a solution will be developed and a model consultation mechanism between the youth and LSG for greater inclusion of the youth will be proposed. Thus a discussion will be opened, which could be a basis for development of the missing local policies and creation of a consultation mechanism with the citizens, for the benefit of both the citizens and the LSG which aims to be transparent and inclusive.

At the same time, advocacy activities will focus on the development of a Local Action Plan for Youth, where the suggested consultation model could present the starting point in the process.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action