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Friday, 20 July 2007

Praxis Became a Member of ERIO Network

In July 2007 Praxis became a member of the European Roma Information Office (ERIO) Network , thus accepting its goals and committing to assist Roma in improving quality of their lives, reducing poverty and level of social vulnerability.

The European Roma Information Office (ERIO) is an international advocacy organization, founded in 2003, which promotes political and public discussion on Roma issues by providing factual and in-depth information on a range of policy issues to the European Union institutions, Roma civil organizations, governmental authorities and intergovernmental bodies. ERIO cooperates with a large network of organizations and acts to combat racial discrimination and social exclusion of Roma through awareness raising, lobbying and policy development.

As a member of ERIO Network, Praxis will be informing ERIO about its Roma related activities and obstacles encountered by Roma population in accessing their fundamental rights. Praxis will also cooperate and exchange information with other members of the network regarding the implementation of activities set up by ERIO and the realisation of the overall goal of the network.

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