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Thursday, 29 January 2015

Citizenship Certificate Only after Six Years following the Request

D. M, registered in books of citizens that were destroyed during the conflict as of 1999 in Kosovo, has obtained the citizenship certificate only after six months following the procedures that lasted six years.

In September, D. M. initiated the re-registration procedure before the administrative body in Krusevac. Three years after submitting the request and only after the appeal was filed and the administrative dispute initiated for the silence of administration, was the first-instance decision reached on rejecting the request of D. M. and referring her to submit the request for determination of citizenship. D. M. thus lost three years and just received the negative decision by which she was referred to address another body in order to try to acquire the citizenship.

At the beginning of 2012, D. M. initiated the procedure for determining the citizenship before the Ministry of Interior, which lasted more than two years. Once the decision on determining the citizenship was reached, eight months passed before the competent registrar registered the citizenship of D. M. and issued the citizenship certificate, but only after three urgency letters and appeal for silence of administration.

Although she was registered in books of citizens and is not responsible for destroyed registries, D. M. received citizenship certificate only after six years following the request for registration in reconstructed books of citizens. In the meantime, she was deprived of the access to the rights whose exercise requires the possession of the evidence on citizenship. A great number of other persons registered in registries that were later destroyed or are unavailable are facing this problem. Efficient solution to their problem has not been found for more than 15 years, even though it negatively affects daily life of individuals and the possibility to exercise basic human rights.

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