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Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Living Standards in Container Settlements Worse Than in Prison - Elektronske Novine

Since 2009, eighteen forced evictions of informal Roma settlements have been identified in Serbia and affected more than 2,700 Roma. None of them have been conducted in compliance with human rights standards binding on the Republic of Serbia and national legal framework is inadequate in relation to protection of human rights and respect for dignity of the inhabitants of informal settlements.

Danilo Curcic, a legal analyst in NGO Praxis, talked about this in his interview to e-Novine.

Curcic said that human rights organizations had formed the Platform for the Right to Adequate Housing. The Platform is a place where civil society organizations exchange experience for the purpose of establishment of the system where human rights of the inhabitants of informal settlements will be fully respected. Within the Platform, civil society organizations have elaborated the document on the obligations of the Republic of Serbia in the area of the right to housing, which is the starting point for the regulation of the eviction procedure.

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