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Friday, 7 October 2016

Čukarica residents fear ‘toxic smoke’ from tyre-burning - Belgrade Insight

"Protests by Čukarica residents caught the attention of Praxis, a national human rights NGO, and in October 2014 it urged Serbia's Commissariat for Refugees and Migration “to undertake activities…and to ensure the solution to the housing problem of the informal settlement’s inhabitants.” Praxis then also accused residents of Čukarica of being prejudiced against the Roma population, claiming the protests led “to widespread intolerance and hatred” and threatened their safety. In response, the Commissariat said the City of Belgrade would begin planning the closure of the Roma camp. However, Jasmina Miković, deputy executive director of Praxis, says nothing much has happened since late 2014 – despite the promises. “The City has to react and help those people… the [Čukarica] municipality has to help them if they live in deep poverty, and provide them with adequate living conditions, particularly in relation to housing, water supplies, electricity, heating, etc,” Miković told BIRN."

Read the full article HERE.

Read the latest Praxis` statement regarding the subject: There are still no signs of solution for residents of Čukarička šuma

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