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Friday, 7 November 2008

Presentation of the Model Law on the Procedure for Recognition of Persons before the Law at Roundtables




In November 2008, UNHCR Serbia, OSCE Mission to Serbia and the Centre for Advanced Legal Studies, together with the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights of the Republic of Serbia, organized three roundtables in Nis, Novi Sad and Belgrade, at which the Model Law on the Procedure for Recognition of Persons before the Law was presented to professional public dealing with the issue of legally invisible persons every day. The roundtables were dedicated to analysis of the problems the legally invisible persons face, as well as the suggestions for solving them on the grounds of modern legal tools. They gathered representatives of numerous non-governmental and international organizations, representatives of judiciary and police, registrars who work on the subsequent registration cases, etc, who, through a public debate, gave their contribution to finding the best solution for the problems of legally invisible persons.

Praxis participated in all three roundtables and presented the problems related to conducting procedures of subsequent registration into registry books in practice and exercising the right to recognition before the law. Praxis also presented its publication “Legally Invisible Persons in Seven Stories – Why should the Law on the Procedure for Recognition of Persons before the Law be adopted”, which illustrates everyday problems of legally invisible persons and which was made to support the adoption of the Model Law.

Further lobbying for the Model Law on the Procedure for Recognition of Persons before the Law will continue, with the great support from the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights who took active part in this advocacy campaign, with the final aim to table the Model Law before the Government of the Republic of Serbia for adoption.


Download (Serbian only): The Model Law on the Procedure for Recognition of Persons before the Law

Download: Legally Invisible Persons in Seven Stories




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