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Monday, 26 April 2010

Praxis Meeting with the Ombudsman of the Republic of Serbia




Experts of the Department for Rights of National Minorities of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Serbia spoke to the representatives of NGO Praxis, who presented their longstanding experience in representing citizens in the procedures of obtaining personal documents before the competent bodies. During the discussion, the importance of engaging all competent institutions in the process of promotion of normative solutions was emphasised, in order to establish a more efficient procedure of subsequent registration of the fact of birth in birth registry books, as a basis for obtaining personal documents, especially concerning members of Roma community. With respect to the above-mentioned, future cooperation was agreed. Furthermore, taking into consideration that the number of complaints submitted to the Ombudsperson was increased, due to impossibility of citizens to exercise rights to registration of permanent residence, the discussion was also about the need to adopt new legal solutions in the field.

The news about the meeting was taken from the official web site of the Ombudsperson.




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