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Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Praxis Conducted Training for Roma Coordinators on Antidiscrimination Law

In March 2015, Praxis representatives conducted four trainings to Roma coordinators on antidiscrimination law. The trainings were conducted in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Cacak and Nis within the project Power of Visibility implemented by the Association of Citizens Epomena and funded by the Office for Human and Minority Rights.

Through discussion and a large number of examples from practice, basic terms related to discrimination, legal framework and types of procedures for protection from discrimination were explained to the participants. Special attention was paid to initiation of procedures before the Commissioner for Protection of Equality, and thus the participants mastered their skills in drafting complaints through practical work. The goal of trainings was that Roma coordinators learn how to recognize discrimination and react adequately, as they work directly with Roma at a local level.

The second part of the training was devoted to public relations and media, and was led by representatives of Epomena. Roma coordinators were instructed on how to adequately communicate with media, how to write press-releases, who to address in media and how to respond to media requests.

The goal of trainings was to enhance the capacities of Roma coordinators in regard to better identification of discrimination and adequate reactions and use of available mechanisms such as the Commissioner for Protection of Equality and Press Council.

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